Monday 11 March 2013

How to Creat Baby Genius

From web :

1. Start pre-birth
Did you know that during the 9 months in the womb, a baby’s brain grows faster than any other phase of life? So what can you do to take advantage of this fact? First, don’t do anything to hinder the development. Stay away from all harmful substances. Also, try to relax and keep stress to a minimum. And finally, try some of these next steps even before your baby is born.

2. Read to her
Sure your baby can’t read… yet. And she probably can’t understand a word you’re saying. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read to her. The first step to teaching your kid to read is to get her used to books. Holding them, hearing them, turning pages… It’s never too early. In fact, consider purchasing a program like Baby Can Read to make things a bit easier. It comes with videos, flashcards, and books. Everything you need. But remember, you’re the primary
teacher. Not the television.
3. Flash dots
There’s a theory out there that says if you show your baby large flashcards with random dot arrangements, the images will stick in their brain and make them mental math machines. Whether or not it really works is still up for debate. But it certainly stimulates your child’s brain, which can’t hurt in your quest to create a baby genius.
4. Talk a lot
Guess where your child gets most of her language skills from? Here’s a hint: it’s not the TV. The answer is… You. So don’t just stare at him or park her in front of the TV. Open up your mouth and talk. And for Heaven’s sake, forego the annoying baby voice. Use a normal, kind tone so your child learns the real way people converse. Don’t be afraid of mixing some larger vocabulary here and there. You’ll be surprised what she’ll pick up. And nothing says baby genius like a kid who uses words like “intelligent” instead of “smart.”
5. Breastfeed
Studies show breastfed babies are smarter. There’s not much to say about that. Just do it.
6. Forget “cry it out”
Here’s a newsflash—babies that are attended to cry less. And if a kid spends less time crying, she’ll spend more time exploring. And more exploring means more brain growth. And more brain growth means more chances of becoming a baby genius. So when your child cries, don’t ignore her. Pick her up and comfort her so she can focus her energies on useful endeavors.
7. Play some classical music
This idea has been under debate as of late. However, it certainly can’t hurt. Turn the dial on your radio over to the classical station and stimulate your child’s brain through her ears. Supposedly she’ll grow smarter from listening. And if everyone’s wrong about this, at least she’ll develop good taste in music.
8. Discipline
Kids with less behavior problems tend to be smarter. Why? Because they learn more when they aren’t busy being defiant. So what can you do to cut down on the behavior issues? Be consistent with your discipline.

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